Shogun Coast



本行程以小說《Shōgun》中的角色布萊克索恩(Blackthorne)為主軸,探索從下田(Shimoda)到三浦半島(Miura Peninsula)的美麗沿海風光與重要地點。行程中融入Netflix劇集的元素,使其更加生動。


  1. 下田(Shimoda)
    • 地點介紹:下田是布萊克索恩抵達日本的第一個港口,擁有豐富的海洋文化和美麗的海灘。在Netflix劇集中,下田的港口場景展現了早期貿易和文化交流的關鍵。
    • 歷史參考:1590年代,隨著布萊克索恩的到來,下田成為了與西方接觸的重要樞紐。
    • 著名戰爭:1590年的小田原征伐,由德川家康指揮,最終使北條氏滅亡,結束了這一時期的武士政治。這次戰爭加速了日本的統一進程。
    • 活動建議:參觀下田港,體驗當地的海鮮市場,並欣賞海岸線的壯麗景色。可以在附近的海灘放鬆,感受當地的氛圍。
  2. 伊東(Ito)
    • 地點介紹:伊東是另一個著名的溫泉地,擁有美麗的海岸線和悠久的歷史。Netflix劇集中的角色經常提及伊東的溫泉文化。
    • 歷史參考:伊東在17世紀時已成為知名的溫泉度假地,吸引了許多遊客和商人。
    • 著名戰爭:1593年的伊東之戰,這場戰鬥是北條氏與織田信長的爭鬥之一,進一步影響了當地的政治格局。
    • 活動建議:在伊東的溫泉中享受放鬆,參觀當地的藝術市集,欣賞當地藝術家的作品,並了解這裡的歷史背景。
  3. 熱海(Atami)
    • 地點介紹:熱海是著名的溫泉度假地,以其美麗的海岸和溫泉聞名。在劇集中,熱海的景觀和溫泉文化被描繪得十分迷人。
    • 歷史參考:熱海的溫泉自古以來就受到皇室和武士的喜愛,尤其是在16世紀末和17世紀初的江戶時代。
    • 著名戰爭:1600年的關原之戰,這場戰爭決定了德川家康的統治地位,對熱海及其周邊地區的影響深遠。
    • 活動建議:在熱海的溫泉中放鬆身心,參觀熱海城,俯瞰整個城市的美景。探索當地的傳統藝術和工藝品。
  4. 湯河原(Yugawara)
    • 地點介紹:湯河原擁有迷人的山景和溫泉,是休閒的理想之地。在小說中,湯河原的溫泉被視為重要的社交場所。
    • 歷史參考:湯河原的溫泉歷史可以追溯到平安時代,並在江戶時代進一步繁榮,吸引了不少文人雅士。
    • 活動建議:探索當地的溫泉和步道,享受自然的靜謐,並可以參加傳統的茶道體驗。
  5. 小田原(Odawara)
    • 地點介紹:小田原以其歷史悠久的小田原城聞名,曾是重要的防禦據點。Netflix劇中,小田原的城堡場景增添了歷史的厚重感。
    • 歷史參考:小田原城於15世紀建成,作為小田原北條氏的據點,在1590年的小田原征伐中被德川家康攻陷。
    • 活動建議:參觀小田原城,了解當地的歷史文化,並品嚐地道的美食。可以參加城內的歷史導覽活動。
  6. 箱根(Hakone)
    • 地點介紹:箱根以其美麗的自然景觀和溫泉而聞名,並且有著壯觀的富士山景色。在劇中,箱根是角色們重要的旅遊地點之一。
    • 歷史參考:箱根自古以來就是通往江戶的重要路徑,並在16世紀至17世紀時成為貿易和交通的樞紐。
    • 著名戰爭:1640年代,箱根周邊的抗爭與德川政權的穩定有著直接關聯,顯示了當地的戰略重要性。
    • 活動建議:乘坐箱根登山纜車,欣賞富士山的壯麗景色,並在湖邊放鬆。可以參加當地的藝術展覽,了解箱根的文化背景。
  7. 三浦半島(Miura Peninsula)
    • 地點介紹:三浦半島擁有壯麗的海岸線和美麗的村莊,是結束行程的理想地點。這裡有著重要的歷史背景,並是角色們探索的象徵。
    • 三浦按針紀念碑(Miura Anjin Memorial)
      • 簡介:紀念三浦按針(Miura Anjin),即布萊克索恩,是日本歷史上第一位西方人,他在16世紀末來到日本並深度參與了當地的政治和商業活動。
      • 歷史參考:布萊克索恩在1600年抵達日本,成為了德川家康的顧問,並在文化交流中扮演了關鍵角色。此時,日本已進入德川幕府的時代。
      • 活動建議:參觀三浦按針紀念碑,了解他的歷史背景和對日本與西方文化交流的影響。可在附近的海岸散步,享受海洋的風景。


Shōgun Coastal Jouney


This itinerary follows the journey of Blackthorne (ブラックソーン), the protagonist of the novel Shōgun, exploring the beautiful coastal scenery and important sites from Shimoda (下田) to Miura Peninsula (三浦半島). The itinerary includes elements from the Netflix series to enhance the experience.

Detailed Itinerary

  1. Shimoda (下田)
    • Location Introduction: Shimoda is the first port where Blackthorne (ブラックソーン) arrives in Japan, rich in maritime culture and beautiful beaches. The port scenes in the Netflix series highlight the early trade and cultural exchange.
    • Historical Reference: In the 1590s, with Blackthorne’s arrival, Shimoda became an essential hub for contact with the West.
    • Famous War: The Siege of Odawara (小田原征伐) in 1590, led by Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家康), resulted in the fall of the Hojo clan (北条氏), marking the end of this turbulent period of samurai politics. This war accelerated Japan’s unification.
    • Activity Suggestion: Visit Shimoda Port (下田港), experience the local seafood market, and admire the stunning coastal scenery. You can relax at nearby beaches and soak in the local atmosphere.
  2. Ito (伊東)
    • Location Introduction: Ito is another famous hot spring area (温泉), featuring a beautiful coastline and rich history. Characters in the Netflix series frequently mention Ito’s hot spring culture.
    • Historical Reference: By the 17th century, Ito had become a well-known resort, attracting many tourists and merchants.
    • Famous War: The Battle of Ito (伊東の戦い) in 1593 was a conflict between the Hojo clan (北条氏) and Oda Nobunaga (織田信長), significantly influencing the local political landscape.
    • Activity Suggestion: Enjoy relaxation in Ito’s hot springs, visit local art markets to appreciate the works of local artists, and learn about the area’s historical background.
  3. Atami (熱海)
    • Location Introduction: Atami is a renowned hot spring resort (温泉地) famous for its beautiful coast and hot springs. In the series, the landscapes and hot spring culture of Atami are depicted vividly.
    • Historical Reference: The hot springs of Atami have been favored by royalty (皇族) and samurai (武士) since ancient times, especially during the late 16th and early 17th centuries of the Edo period (江戸時代).
    • Famous War: The Battle of Sekigahara (関ヶ原の戦い) in 1600 decided Tokugawa Ieyasu’s ruling position, having a lasting impact on Atami and its surrounding regions.
    • Activity Suggestion: Relax in Atami’s hot springs, visit Atami Castle (熱海城) for panoramic views of the city, and explore local traditional arts and crafts.
  4. Yugawara (湯河原)
    • Location Introduction: Yugawara boasts charming mountain views and hot springs, making it an ideal retreat. In the novel, the hot springs of Yugawara are considered an essential social gathering place.
    • Historical Reference: The history of Yugawara’s hot springs (温泉) dates back to the Heian period (平安時代), flourishing during the Edo period (江戸時代), attracting numerous scholars and artists.
    • Activity Suggestion: Explore the local hot springs and walking trails, enjoy the tranquility of nature, and participate in traditional tea ceremonies (茶道).
  5. Odawara (小田原)
    • Location Introduction: Odawara is famous for its historic Odawara Castle (小田原城), an important defensive stronghold. The castle scenes in the Netflix series add a layer of historical depth.
    • Historical Reference: Odawara Castle was built in the 15th century (15世紀) as the residence of the Hojo clan (北条氏) and was captured by Tokugawa Ieyasu during the Siege of Odawara (小田原征伐) in 1590.
    • Activity Suggestion: Visit Odawara Castle to learn about the local history and culture, and taste authentic local cuisine. Guided tours are available within the castle.
  6. Hakone (箱根)
    • Location Introduction: Hakone is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes (自然景観) and hot springs, offering spectacular views of Mount Fuji (富士山). In the series, Hakone is a significant travel destination for characters.
    • Historical Reference: Hakone has historically been an important route to Edo (江戸) and became a hub of trade and transportation during the 16th to 17th centuries.
    • Famous War: In the 1640s, conflicts around Hakone were directly related to the stability of the Tokugawa regime (徳川政権), demonstrating the strategic importance of the area.
    • Activity Suggestion: Take the Hakone Ropeway (箱根ロープウェイ) for breathtaking views of Mount Fuji, relax by the lake (湖), and visit local art exhibitions to learn about Hakone’s cultural background.
  7. Miura Peninsula (三浦半島)
    • Location Introduction: Miura Peninsula features a stunning coastline and charming villages, making it an ideal endpoint for the journey. The area holds significant historical background and symbolizes the characters’ explorations.
    • Miura Anjin Memorial (三浦按針記念碑):
      • Introduction: The memorial commemorates Miura Anjin (三浦按針), or Blackthorne (ブラックソーン), the first Westerner in Japanese history, who arrived in Japan in the late 16th century and played a crucial role in local politics and commerce.
      • Historical Reference: Blackthorne arrived in Japan in 1600 (1600年) and became an advisor to Tokugawa Ieyasu (徳川家康), playing a key role in cultural exchange. At this time, Japan was entering the era of the Tokugawa shogunate (徳川幕府).
      • Activity Suggestion: Visit the Miura Anjin Memorial to learn about his historical background and the impact he had on cultural exchanges between Japan and the West. Take a stroll along the nearby coastline to enjoy the ocean views.
WonderLust 東日本
Author: WonderLust 東日本

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